Find Out How Much You Can Afford in Your Next Home
Use this mortgage calculator to figure out what kind of house you can afford. There are two ways to use this calculator:
1. Enter the amount of a mortgage in the "Mortgage Amount" field and click on the "Calculate" button beside the "Monthly Payments" field to determine the monthly payments for the home.
2. Enter the amount of monthly payment you want to pay in the "Monthly Payments" field and click on the "Calculate" button beside the "Mortgage Amount" field to determine the mortgage you can afford.
For more information on what you can afford in your next home, please fill in the form on this page.
Mortgage Calculator
This calculator is for information purposes only. Users should not use this calculator
to make any financial decisions and should speak with their bank or mortgage broker.
The website owner does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any information or
calculations provided by this calculator. The website owner is not liable for loss
or damage of any kind arising from the use of this tool.